Download the State of Integrations and APIs at 400 SaaS Companies

Learn how the most successful companies are meeting the demand for interoperability, and how companies of different stages, sizes, and product categories are approaching technology partnerships, integrations, and APIs.
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Download the State of Integrations and APIs at 400 SaaS Companies

See data on how companies are approaching technology partnerships and meeting the demand for interoperability

An analysis of the 100 Largest SaaS Companies

See how the top 100 companies are approaching ecosystems - including information on their average number of integrations, number of APIs, API characteristics, documentation trends, and their approach to the partner experience.

Partner Experience Across Stages

Gain insight into best practices and pitfalls to avoid when building your partner experience. See at what stages companies are offering public APIs, developer portals, partner portals, SDKs, and sandboxes.

Improving Customer and Partner UX at Scale

See why public marketplaces and in-app marketplaces are important for customers to discover and manage their integrations, and obtain a breakdown of partner portal characteristics that best scale for the management of tech partners.

API Styles and Documentation Trends

Get examples of how to stand out to partners and partner developers, and see at what stage most companies are offering developer portals, SDKs, public API documentation, and other indices that mark a thriving tech ecosystem.

Characteristics of Robust APIs

See how your company's APIs stacks up against others at the same stage. We examined how APIs mature as companies grow, and defined the characteristics of robust APIs at the largest companies.

Advice for Becoming a Platform

What defines a product as a platform? After analyzing the APIs & documentation of platforms like Stripe, Salesforce, HubSpot, Twilio and more, we've defined what companies should strive for if they aim to become a platform.