Build integrations faster using code with Pandium's ready-made, scalable integration infrastructure

Pandium is the integration platform for B2B SaaS companies looking to scale their integration efforts. Achieve speed-to-market with a platform that handles authentication, logging, versioning, and hosting while providing you with the tools to launch code-driven native integrations at scale.

Features and Capabilities

Connect and authenticate to any API or system

Pandium supports integration via public or private APIs, SFTP, or direct database connections. Our connectors handle authentication and serve as secure gateways, providing the flexibility to connect with the APIs you need and access all available endpoints out-of-the-box.

Build customizable integrations fast

Connect Pandium to your repository and set up 90% of an integration in one click with our Integration Development Kit. Receive integration scaffolding and API clients directly in your repository, enabling developers to swiftly and efficiently code custom integrations.

Complete control over configurations

No more building one-off integrations for every customer. Write a single script for an integration that defines all necessary configurations for your users. Push it to Pandium via your repository and use Pandium's UI to decide which configurations are deployed to specific customers.

Build once and deploy to many

Define an integration's business logic once and use Pandium's release channels to deploy it to hundreds of customers at once.

Build and reuse integrations

Integrations built and deployed with Pandium remain in the platform. Deploy to new customers with a single click, reusing connectors, versions, and configurations. Customer-facing teams can easily modify configurations and deploy existing integrations to new customers, all within the UI.

Customize the integration UX

Define the configuration options your customers will see on their end, and provide a customizable self-service marketplace where users can explore and install their integrations, enhancing their autonomy and improving adoption.

Automatically build and update releases

Manage the CI/CD of your integrations effortlessly through Pandium's source control process. Set Pandium up to automatically deploy new changes across integration tenants once they're detected in your repository, making it easy to update and enhance functionality as you scale.

Version management made easy

Maintain control and flexibility, with the ability set specific releases for a version of an integration, or downgrade versions within Pandium's UI.

Comprehensive integration and customer insights

Monitor and access all integration and configuration details within Pandium's intuitive UI. Effortlessly track installs, errors, and sync history. View logs at both integration and customer levels, customize log visibility, and link to platforms like Coralogix, AppInsights, and DataDog.

Customizable In-App Marketplace

Let your customers discover and install integrations.

Managed Authentication

200+ pre-built connectors into popular apps.

“Pandium helped us integrate into the newest leading ecommerce channels. Within less than a year, we had 100+ merchants live and processed millions of orders. That would not have been possible without Pandium."

Manisha T.
Sr. Director of Platform Partnerships, ShipBob

A platform that acts as an extension of your processes, not middleware

Build using code

Code enables custom and agile integrations, but managing authentication and the infrastructure to launch at scale is complex and time-consuming. That's why there's Pandium.

Use the tools you already know

Connect Pandium to your repository and develop business logic locally in any common language using Pandium's Integration Development Kit. No need to learn anything specialized to get started.

Own your Integrations

The integrations you develop with Pandium can run locally and are yours to keep, even if you decide to move on.

Pandium's Integration Development Kit (IDK)

The Pandium IDK supports engineers with everything they need to rapidly interact with APIs and code integration business logic, while the Integration Hub manages the infrastructure required to efficiently launch and manage integrations.


Some of the most common questions we get asked. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Browse all FAQs.
How long does it take to learn to use the Integration Hub?
About three days. Other tools can take 6+ weeks!
How fast can I build integrations with Pandium?
Most users build their first integration within 2-4 weeks. Then, spend less than 2 weeks building subsequent integrations. That’s 12+ weeks faster than building integrations from scratch yourself!
Why shouldn’t I build a DIY integration infrastructure?
Would you build your own CRM or cloud infrastructure? Of course not, because you know that's inefficient and not your best use of resources.

Product integrations are the same. The Pandium platform instantly gives you the infrastructure you need to be successful with product integrations — no unpredictable expenses, long development cycles, or distracting senior developers with integration requests.
Why isn't Pandium no-code?
If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. That’s the case with no-code integration tools.

They have rigid connectors that, in the end, almost always require developer involvement to work properly. But with the added complexity of coding around a visual builder and getting up to speed on a new system.

At Pandium, we’re proud of our code-first philosophy. Code isn't the enemy. It’s a powerful tool that enables you to build flexible, scalable, and affordable product integrations in record time.
What does onboarding and training look like?
It is very easy to learn how to use Pandium. Most customers get up to speed in about 3 days.

We take every customer through an onboarding process to ensure they’re comfortable. But if you ever need extra help, we’re here for you! Check out our docs for more guidance, or contact your dedicated account manager.
Experience Pandium

See for yourself

Learn how building integrations can unlock new revenue for your company.

Pay as you grow pricing

Flexible plans that scale with you as your integration needs increase.

Get your hands on the platform

Talk to us about setting up a proof of concept account.