Download the guide to launching a B2B app marketplace
Includes recent data on B2B app marketplaces and integrations, as well as, new content on what to track to get more internal resources, developing integration user stories, and technology partner co-marketing.
Download the Case Study
Download the guide with everything you need to know to launch an integration marketplace
Learn how to improve your customer and partner UX, and drive more revenue from your technology partnerships
Getting More Internal Resources for Technology Partnerships
It takes a lot of resources to successfully launch your integration marketplace. We include recent market data on integrations and app marketplaces as well as a template for how to get more internal resources from within your organization to build and support your integration marketplace.
Identifying Ideal Technology Partners
Get a detailed rubric for identifying your ideal tech partner profile, including how to predict and assess ROI on integrations and tech partnerships. Use the rubric as you grow to decide how to allocate your resources to different technology partners.
Building the B2B Integration Marketplace
Learn all the elements that go into an integration marketplace and the different embedded integration platforms you can use to underpin your marketplaces. Understand how each option impacts business outcomes. Get worksheets on building vs buying your integration marketplace.
Scaling Your Integration Marketplace
Learn how to put the technical infrastructure and partnership program in place to ensure your integration marketplace seamlessly scales to a large ecosystem of users and partners. Understand common pitfalls that prevent your ecosystem from sustainably growing.
Showing ROI on Technology Partnerships
Discover both the business processes and technology you need to put in place across departments in order to track return and establish ROI for your technology partnership program and your integration marketplace.
Marketing Integrations and Marketplace Listings
Once the integration marketplace is built, you have to tell prospects and customers about it and support it. Learn best practices and tactics leading up and following your launch, and understand how to leverage the resources of your partners.